Monday, September 28, 2009


The Bonnaroo logo is very interesting. I like the design of the words and how they overlap each other. The O’s are very interesting too. To me, the O’s overlapping represent it being an event that happens over and over, it is continuous. The hand with the world in it is a very interesting design too. I believe the design is very well done and unique. The color is very well done and emphasizes everything that should be. I don’t see any flaws with this design. It is not too over done or under done. It is just right.

Death Metal logos

I'm not necessarily critiquing the album art or music but I am critiquing the design. I do not care for the crazy designs of their logos. It makes it very hard to read and make out what it is saying. Some of the names are very hard to make out and others are not so bad. If I designed a logo like that I would make it easier to read. It might catch the attention of someone but I think they might pass by if they can’t make it out. If they can’t make out the logo quick enough they might just walk by because they can’t read it. The design is interesting. I believe they chose designs like these so people know what kind of music it is. Most of the bands in Death Metal are the same. So if someone saw it they would realize that it is someone they might want to check out.


I chose one of my favorite bands, GlassJAw, logo. I love the simplicity of it. The “GJ” as they call it is very simple but very genius. They sell a lot of different style shirts with the “GJ” on it but change the colors. I think that bands that go for elaborate designs can go overboard sometimes. The designers get too into the design and create something really cool but might not catch the attention or the name of the artist might not catch the viewer quick enough. If you go for a simple design someone will realize what it is quicker. The design of the “GJ” is very good. If you saw it you could realize who it was and it isn’t so elaborate that you have someone sitting there looking at it trying to figure out what it is. Also, sticking with the same design throughout releases is good because people will notice who it is right off the bat. Rather than the person walking by, seeing it, and then coming back. If they see the same design they might not walk by and ignore what they saw.

In the Unlikely Event

I chose my favorite bands new album cover. The album is entitled "In the Unlikely Event" by The Fall of Troy. I like the design of the cover. I like the darkness of it. If you saw the album in the store it could be misleading because it makes them seem as if they are a heavier band than they are. If I saw this album it would grab my attention because it makes you wonder, it grabs your attention and makes you feel like there is something different about it. After listening to the album I can see how it would make you feel like something is different. They have really changed their style from their other albums. I love the design of how it is dark and the sky is eerie. The overall design if very good and well done. I like how the girl is placed in the center of the picture. For me my attention is caught in the background rather than the girl or the name.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mini Ad

I like this ad because the trees would catch the attention of the driver. It also makes it look like the car is really moving. I think it is really cool how they designed the billboard. I think the red color also catches the drivers attention. I think this billboard is very well designed. If it was put someplace that is heavily traveled then I believe that it could help Mini sell vehicles because people see the ad and may pay more attention to them. I believe this ad does better than some because there are not a lot of words and it is pretty self explanatory on what they are trying to accomplish or say.