Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Roller coasters

I absolutely love roller coasters. They are a lot of fun. I wish we had a theme park closer to us here in Indy. But, Kings Island is a lot of fun. I was shocked to learn that roller coasters have been around since the 17th century. I figured that it was something that was relatively new maybe around the early 19th century late 18th century. However, roller coasters give you that thrill that keeps you coming back. At first I was skeptical about going on them but after i went on one i just kept wanting to go again. They are a ton of fun and i can't wait to go back!


I absolutely love going to concerts. I've lost count of how many i have gone to. It's the one time where i don't mind getting pushed around and being smashed around with a bunch of other people. They are a lot of fun. It's weird but i like the feeling after a concert. You are all sweaty, can't hear, and you want more. I try to go to as many as I can. Even if i have to travel. I prefer smaller venues to big shows at arenas and such. Outdoor concerts are fun too. I went to Bonnaroo last summer and i have to say it was a great experience. It's not all just about the music, it's also about being there. Concerts are fun and everyone can enjoy them.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Black Friday...

Don't get me wrong, i love getting big discounts. Black Friday shopping just isn't my thing. I like to sleep in after Thanksgiving and waiting outside in the cold with a gajillion other people just isn't fun for me. Just look at the picture, how can you want to do that! I'd rather do all my shopping online. It is so much easier. Being able to sleep in and stay at home and play video games is good enough for me. Black Friday shopping just isn't my thing. I'm not the biggest fan of running around Wal-Mart fighting with other people to get the last something.

Hot Box!

Oh Hot Box, how I love thee. Hot Box is for sure my favorite pizza. Not only is their pizza good but their breadsticks, called Stix, just have the different taste. It has a saltier taste that I really enjoy. I like how basic their design is. They give you cups that say "cup" on them. They are normally green but at random points they change the color up. Their napkins say "napkin" and sell shirts that say "shirt." I like that because it is so basic and it makes you think wow, how did someone else not think of that. They also have nicknames for all their different "specialty"
pizzas. Also, every week they have one of their "pies" half off and you have to give them the special password that when you say it makes you feel goofy saying it. It always gives me a good laugh. For me the pizza is just delicious and is better than any other pizza i have ever had.

The King

I absolutely love Burger Kings mascot. I think the commercials are funny and his outfit is extremely goofy. Heck, even playing the video games were fun even though they are weird and rather simple. I really like Burger Kings food too. I think it is a lot better than McDonald's. It may not be as cheap but the quality is so much better. Burger King even has Frozen Coke which goes great with the food. Their breakfast is also the best fast food breakfast in my opinion. Interestingly, they recently made their double cheeseburger a buck. Well, franchise owners were upset because they were losing money. They said that the burger made them a profit if it was $1.25 instead of just a buck. I think it is fair to have it priced at $1.25, that isn't too unreasonable for me. It has that great taste that makes it worth it.

Jason Bourne

Sticking with action heroes. The Jason Bourne series is starting to be another one of my favorite movies. I love the story line of the series. It really pulls you in and keeps you guessing. It is intense and full of action. I really like this series more than others because they actually do the stunts rather than green screen most of the crazy stunts. There were several books written before the movies. However, the newer movies are not based on the books. I think Matt Damon does a very good job and has become a very good action actor. He just looks like a person that would be in this sort of movie. I am anxious to see where they will go from here with the movies.

Bond, James Bond

I grew up watching all the James Bond movies. They've always been my favorite movies. Roger Moore and Sean Connery were my favorite Bond's. I really like Daniel Craig as James Bond in the newer ones. I think he fits the role very well. It seems like the perfect guy movie. It has all the action anyone would want and always has the attractive girls. People has always loved the James Bond series and will continue to love it. The first movie debuted in 1962 with Dr. No. It is the longest running film series with one main character in the English language. The movies always have something new and special that they show off and you won't find in another movie. I think it will continue to be very successful and will continue on for many many more years. Man, don't you wish we had his gadgets?!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dan Mumford

Dan Mumford is an artist that has created several CD arts. He recently did one for Protest the Hero and has done different ones for A Day To Remember, The Devil Wears Prada, and Miss May I. A lot of people really like his work. To me there is a lot going on and i really like that. I like how it has a lot of lines and it can be very colorful.

I enjoy his work. I think it is some of the best work since Jacob Bannon who did art work for his band Converge. To me it isn't quite on the same level as Anime but it has the Anime feel to it.

Snuggie.. no thanks.

When i think of a blanket, i do not think of the snuggie. To me it just doesn't do it. I think they look stupid. To me it is just a backwards robe. I just can't stand seeing them. They now sell them where i work, Kroger, and i hate seeing people buy them. It's a waste of money. I would rather have a blanket. Sure it doesn't have to arms but if I'm using a blanket I'm not using my hands. So for me the product doesn't do justice. I don't like how it feels when i touch it. It isn't comfortable for me either. I'm a regular blanket kind of guy.

Plant a Tree

I like this advertisement because we need to care for the world. People carelessly destroy things. They tear down trees which help us to live. If we keep cutting down trees we won't live too much longer. People just cut down the trees and don't plant another one. The big business just cut them down and make a mall or new offices on top of where the trees were. It is all about the money to them. They should respect what we have now. Companies need to be more green. Especially in Indiana, it turns out that Indiana is 49th in the United States in terms of being "Green." That is terrible. We need to find ways to be green.

3M Security Glass

I really like this advertisement. I was curious to learn more about this. I looked up and it turns out that 3M put real money inside and installed the glass on the street. They had people that passed by kick the glass. They had a security gaurd stand watch to make sure that no one broke the rules. No one penetrated the glass. Even a man that had a 30 foot head start and double foot kicked it couldn't break it. I'd say it's some pretty sturdy glass!

Hey Arnold!

Seriously, who didn't love Hey Arnold? It was everyone's favorite cartoon. People even still talk about it today. People are always quoting the line, "Stoop kids afraid to leave his stoop!" Looking information up on it, i found it interesting that it was based upon several cities. To me it seemed like maybe 2 cities combined into one but it was actually about 3 or 4. Hey Arnold is one of those shows that everyone loves. People will watch it today even. The DVDs are being slowly put out and the final 2 seasons are looking to be put out next year. Be on the lookout!

Jimmy Johns!

Jimmy Johns is delicious. I prefer it over subway anyday. They have their own chips that they make and are very tasty. They have their own distinctive crunch when you eat them. They are really fast at making their sandwiches and they don't overload it with toppings, like subway does. It was founded in 1983 when Jimmy John Liautaud took a deal with his dad to start a Hot Dog business and if it failed he would have to join the Army. He realized it would be too expensive to do hot dogs so he went with sandwiches. He made four different sandwiches and sold 25 cent Cokes. His business began to thrive and has now become a nationwide food chain.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bose Headphones Advertisement

This is an advertisement for Bose headphones. They are said to be the best headphones on the market. They are always said to be great at blocking out sound from outside sources. I like this advertisement because it's a good example of how good the headphones are. Obviously, one would realize they were near a waterfall but it is showing that they are fantastic at blocking out sound. I own a pair of Bose headphones and they are really nice. They are better than most of the headphones i have used. After reading information about the headphones I see that over the years they have gotten better and better at canceling outside noises out. The headphones can be very expensive but the quality of the output is very good and worth the money. I think like most things the price will go down in a few years as well as the quality going up.


Youtube is a large site that allows people to share videos with friends. Before youtube it was hard to share videos with friends. There weren't many sites out there that allowed you to share videos. However, youtube has a simple interface and is very easy to use. People post anything and everything on youtube. It has been criticized due to copyrighted material being uploaded. It is even being used by television companies now to broadcast shows. Also, concerts are now being streamed online to allow you to watch it as it unfolds. It is free to use. It was created in 2005 and is available in 14 languages.


Facebook is the ultimate way of connecting with friends and family via the web. It allows you to be friends with anyone and easily share information with others. Facebook was created at Harvard when a group of students wanted to make it easy for classmates to connect. The creater, Mark Zuckerburg, also used it for his Art project at Harvard to help launch the site. The next semester he began making the website. It was originally called The Facebook. They dropped "The" in 2004 when they relocated to California. Facebook is now the biggest social networking site and will continue to grow bigger.

Monster Mini Golf

Monster mini golf is an indoor glow in the dark mini golf course. When i looked up how Monster Mini Golf was created it turns out a couple from Connecticut wanted to create something fun but scary at the same time. They came up with Monster mini golf. I was also interested in how minigolf was created. It turns out that in Scotland in 1867 the first minigolf club was created. It is interesting how long it has been around. England and America both added minigolf to their hotels for guests to have fun. It then turned into something that people loved to do. I love going minigolf. It's a lot of fun and i really get into it when i play it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Altoid mints are some of my favorite mints. As a kid I used to eat them all the time when I was in my Dad's car. The design of the package is what sets it apart from others. It comes in a tin can with a paper liner inside. It has that distinct style of opening the package that makes it different. To me, it is a lot of fun opening it and the excitement of when I open it is different than any others. After looking up information on the mints, I had never really realized that the mints were nearly 200 years old. It's amazing that they have been around so long. They also only had one variety, mints, until 2002 when they announced "Sours." It shows that companies can be successful with just one product.


A new networking site, Twitter, is up and coming site that hopes to keep friends and families together. It allows you to send updates via cell phone, web, or on your Xbox 360 console. In the Iranian Presidential Election, Iran was controlling what was going in and out of the media. The only way people could keep up with what was really happening was via Twitter. The government can control what goes in and out but they couldn't keep twitter out. Twitter requires a cell phone connection and Iran could not block out the cell phone signal. Therefore everyone could be kept up to date on what was really going on instead of the lies Iran was feeding everyone.

Xbox Natal

The Xbox Natal is a controller free gaming experience. It recognizes all the points on your body and uses it in the game you are playing. It is similar to the Nintendo Wii, except it does not require any controllers, just your body. Once again games are being taken to the next level. This is using your body as part of the game. It is also another way for people to lose weight. 18% of kids 12 to 19 years old are over weight. Could this be something to keep kids from being overweight? In a survey 97% of people aged 12 to 19 played video games. So as you can see, a lot of kids play video games and a good amount are also obese. Lets hope this helps to solve America's obesity problem. It is not necessarily going to solve the problem but it can help since it keeps people active.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Assassins Creed 2

Yet another video game, Assassins Creed 2, is another highly anticipated game. The graphics have yet again set the standards high. The sequel starts a completely new storyline in Renaissance Italy. The game has been noted for their "parkour" style gameplay. You can climb on top of nearly evey building. This is different than older games when you had to go through loading screens and levels were very short. Now games can be played through with minimal loading screens and cutscenes done in real time. A good question is what else can they do to video games? The graphics are becoming more and more life like with each release. Will there someday be a way that you are actually in the game?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is one of the biggest games to release to date. It had higher expectations and anticipation than the first game. The graphics have become extremely detailed and the story begins with where the the first one left off. As you can see from the picture above, the graphics have indeed improved. At the time when Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, in 2007, the graphics were considered very good and to be the best of all games. After many advances the graphics have yet again been improved.

Modern Warfare 2 is a step up for video games and once again, sets the bar for new video games. The graphic technology is always improving since the side scrollers of the NES to the complex games like Call of Duty, who knows what graphics technology will be in the next few years and even in 20 years.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Microsoft Surface

Microsoft's Surface is like a coffee table with a computer in it. You can use your finger to drag pictures around or play music on it. If you own a Zune you can set it on it and it will stream the music to it wirelessly. I think this is really interesting. I think this has potential to be very successful. It is a good way to show people at a party pictures of say a trip you just went on. I looked up some information on it and it had been in development since 2001. Microsoft had said that they got some of their idea from the movie "Minority Report." It has been used in tv shows such as "CSI: Miami" and at Disneyland. I think this type of technology will be very prominent in the coming years.


Searching around the web I found a game by digital chocolate called Penguin Catapult. In the game you fight polar bears trying to fight them away from the penguins homes. The game was launched on the iPhone. It is very interesting but I think it is very generic like most games for the iPhone. Most games are designed the same way and don’t have a very lasting value. There needs to be something done to keep your attention on that game. For instance being able to play with friends or upgrades to the software or in the game. A review said that it is just a straight port to the iPhone but has no noticeable upgrades. A lot of the games for iPhone are like this. They seem to just be fun for a little bit and then you never play it again. Once you beat it you usually just stop playing. If there was more to do after you beat the game it could keep someone’s attention longer.